MON-FRI: 08:30-17:30 & SAT: 08:00-13:30

We were the first runners-up!Congratulations #TeamUbuntu

Have you ever wondered why our CSR email ID is ‘ubuntu’?
Roofings believes in humanity towards others. One ought to
appreciate that he or she is a tinny-tiny part of the
community and can not do without other people.
Management’s desire is for this to become a way of life for
the Roofings family. All employees are encouraged to start
or participate in causes that contribute to the well-being of
society. Let’s put a smile on someone, whenever we can. The
satisfaction one gets from doing acts of kindness is
10 of our staff recently voluntarily participated in a
Corporate Spelling Bee which took place in Kololo, Kampala.
It was a networking and fundraiser event that engaged
adults from the corporate world in a spelling competition
aimed at raising funds to support children in refugee camps
across the country with 1,500 culturally relevant
value-based educational books. Our team’s participation
contributed 50 books.
Our team made the event colourful. We shouted and danced
ourselves to the second position.
Thank you, team- someone, somewhere is
smiling because of you.

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